iPhone/iPod touch RPG of the Year - Zenonia
Over the years since the Game Boy reigned supreme in the handheld gaming market, there have been many contenders for the throne. Some have been great, like the DS, and some have been abysmal, like the N-Gage. The iPhone has been on the scene for about 18 months now, and although it hasn't overtaken the PSP or the DS as the platform of choice for most gamers, Apple has made a focused effort to bring us on board. There are some great games available at this point, and the lower cost of an iPhone game compared to a DS game only helps their case.

The RPG genre has not been neglected among those great games, and out of the many we played this year, our favorite was Zenonia. It's fast, it's fun, and it's well made in just about every way. For those of us old enough to remember, it hearkens back to the good times we had on our Super Nintendos and brings a smile to our faces. Zenonia's the complete package, and we're happy to recommend it to anyone with the hardware to play it.

Runner-up: Dungeon Hunter
